Victoria University Secondary College
Term three week three, we had Victoria University Secondary arrive at The Summit.
We had a great three days planned for the year nine group.
We started off with some initiatives and some warm up games.
Groups 1 - 4 quickly became more exciting with some interesting team names being developed.
We had the Weebs, the Slippery socks, Big Child Support and The Brips.
The first four activities we had install for you were Laser Skirmish, Giant Swing, Cave, Rock Wall. You all loved Laser skirmish and it was very entertaining watching you enjoy the Giant Swing. The Cave and the Rock Wall were opportunities to challenge some of your ideas about your abilities. It was so cool to see so many of you reach higher than you thought on the Rock Wall, even if the motive was not having to do the dishes at lunch.
Thursday arrived and you finished off your first four activities and we introduced 4 more. The Sanke and Nails, Tash’s Ladder, Snowy River Challenge and the Leap of Faith.
So cool to see you challenge yourselves in these activities also, special well-done to Joanna and Tarquin for smashing a super stretch on the Snake and Nails.
The snowy River challenge was awesome and was great to see you all embrace the wombat hole. The way the teamwork had improved and progressed from Wednesday was sooo awesome. Good job to all the teams the times are as follows:
Team 1. 36:36
Team 2. 11:07
Team 3. 23:46
Team 4. 20:54
The most epic challenge however was the Monster Course. All of the 5 keys were in play, especially once we told you, you were doing it again. The look on your faces were epic. All did really well, got around it and i think a lot of you were surprised about how much you enjoyed it :) You all improved your time, GOOD JOB. The improvement times are:
Team 1. 4:30
Team 2. 2:02
Team 3. 8:30
Team 4. 2:13
We ended camp finishing off our remaining activities and seeing our chosen team members that we think represented the keys the most enjoy a hot lap in the army tank. Well-done to Tyla, Dang, Joanna and Sean Ray for what was an epic camp.
Thanks for a great 3 days.
Mads, Greg, Mia and Steph :)