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5 Steps to Fun Family Life

Looking back at all the moments in our lives you realise that the memories were what shaped our childhoods such as being an active part of the family, always being included & involved in family holidays, family activities and even helping around the house.

These things that we recall about our childhood have made us realise that's what we want for our children. We want family time and making memories to be the number one priority.

Life is so busy with many distractions; we are present in the same room as our family and children, however at times we just exist with each other and aren’t truly connecting.

We want to change this and want families to have this connection as often as possible because as a kid you don't remember the day-to-day, you remember the moments and the happiness you felt.

It is important for families to make a conscious effort to be un-distracted, be present and be connected. It can be as simple as 15 minutes a day playing or it can be chatting over dinner. In this hectic family life we all have a lot on so it's important to make it work for you and your family.

Here are our 5 Steps to Fun Family Life:

  • Distraction Free Zone Commit to putting down technology and switching off from work when having dedicated family time. Tip - pop your phone/iPad on silent and put it in a drawer. Out of sight out of mind.

  • Have a Fun Jar Get everyone involved adding ideas for quick/easy fun activities that they would like to do with the family. Pull one out each day.

  • Plan It Life is hectic and days can disappear in a blink. Sometimes scheduling a dedicated time slot for fun is necessary to keep the connection. Perhaps setting aside time on the weekend is the best option for your family or eating dinner together and having some fun conversation starters works a treat.

  • Family Bucket List A great opportunity for bonding time is to sit down together and ask everyone to contribute ideas that they would like to do together.

  • Do it! Be in the moment, embrace what comes, go with the flow and enjoy being a big kid!

None of us are perfect but one thing is for sure, our kids are everything to us. So, what qualities and traits will your kids take forward, what memories and moments will shape their lives?

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