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Minaret College

A very excited bus rocked up to The Summit with 17 students and 3 legendary teachers from Minaret college! These students were very keen to hop off the bus and have a look around at their home for the next 3 days. After settling into the tents the was a time for a quick lunch and off we go in our first program.

The afternoon the kicked off with the introduction to the five Keys: Have Fun, Play All In, Make Lots of Mistakes, Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable and Don’t Go Home Wondering What If. At the start we focused on the firts 2 keys as, we thought, we best play a game and bring the fun and a challenge straight off the bat by playing a game of 50 up! It was a struggle at the start after quite some attempts, some laughs, some problem solving on what we could improve on, we got past 50 and even made it to 61!!

The rest of our afternoon soon flew by after learning about a new goal setting technique called “target – stretch – super stretch”! After a wonderful harness brief by Erin, we thought, we are now physically and mentally ready to hit the park! We swung into action straight away with our Giant Swing, with not only our students already conquering some fears but also Ms Shkembi and Ms Deeba showing us that they too can overcome their fears! After our hard earnt efforts of pulling everyone up the Giant Swing it was time for some afternoon tea! Then we hit up Inflatables, where so much smiles and laughter came in, and already we are starting to realize that we control our own fun and happiness. With that being said the Minaret team rocked the foosball with Faridullahs epic goal keeping skills! As well as having some fun on the adrenalin rush, the afternoon was filled with loads of fun and laughs, 2 rotations were completed. It was a great taster for what was to come for day two


Day 2 rolled around started with morning intentions, choosing our intention for the day off “who we wanted to be” and “what we wanted out of our day”. We also had our second and third keys to focus on throughout the day! We played a group game of Huckle-Buckle to get into a fun head space and got on with our epic day. We spilt off into 2 smaller groups for the morning and completed the Skybridge which was quite challenging for some but even though some wanted to give up, they didn’t, everyone demonstrated great resilience in getting back up and kept taking the next step forward and pushing through the hard times. We also had the team go through the cave where we realized it wasn’t the dark we were afraid off, it was the unknown and as a result now we have the proof to know that if you trust the process, it all works out.

After Skybridge and The Cave we then came back together, as the legendary group we are, to conquer the highwire all together. We all helped each other and really started to encourage one another as each pair were going up on the high wire. After our great efforts that morning it was time for some well earnt lunch!

After lunch we were our clothes all ready to get in wet and muddy! But first we had our intro to The Monster Course with our Snow River Challenge, where the team started to really come together and back each other. Straight away on the first element - the log across the water - the girls put themselves out to help get their team mates across.

Everyone was helping each other up over the wall and that’s where we started to see the trust you all had in each other.: helping on the go-go-stop challenge, even getting around those feeling uncomfortable for the wombat hole and really helping those members through. This all led us to our Monster Course where we experienced what getting wet, muddy, working hard, showing determination, resilience and digging deep is all about. The smiles and the singing along the way reflected on the fun that everyone had through The Monster Course. We discovered that it’s not just about the time, but also about not leaving any member behind. It was amazing to see the hard work everyone put in throughout the course and each and everyone should be so proud of themselves and what has been accomplished. Due to the team being absolute legends we did a high light round where we did the students favourites of The Monster Course and ended in a wild game of GaGa ball where the water went flying further then the ball. Congratulations to Marzia for winning the game!

Day 3 - Friday morning rolled around in a blink of an eye! To kick it off, we started with a moment of gratitude, shared a few things you were grateful for in your day to day lives - sometimes it is the little things that go unnoticed. The morning had 2 last activities left, which was The Summit Window, where we really seen some members break it down and use “target – stretch – super stretch” strategy as they didn’t want to leave camp “wondering what if”! You realized that you can do it and felt great afterwards as you embraced the moment and were so stoked about what you accomplished! We also had laser as a last activity, a bit of fun dressing up in camo gear and having some laughs together for one last time at camp!

After three days of unleashing greatness, the camp was finished.

Minaret, thank you all very much for living by the 5 keys and really bringing everything you have, you really pushed yourselves and crushed camp. Thank you all so much for the past few days. I hope you created memories that will last a life time.

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Many thanks and Best wishes from Trinette and Erin

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