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East Loddon P-12 College Year 7 Camp Blog

On Monday the 5th of June a bunch of legends from East Loddon School arrived at The Summit and your energy was incredible, we couldn't wait! What an epic 5 days we had planned for you all, let’s jog our memory of your time here at The Summit.

Day 1 started off by meeting your coaches that guided you through your camp experience. Your coaches were Logan, Mim, Calarnee, and Sophie.

You also became familiar with our Five Keys and if we used them would make camp go from good to GREAT!

The Five Keys were:

1. Have Fun

2. Play All In

3. Make Lots of Mistakes

4. Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

5. Don’t Go Home Wondering What If

We started off by getting down into the park and playing a game of 50 Up. A challenge to bounce the ball up as a team over 50 times. You then got split into your two groups and straight into our activities. Our legendary groups were the Cimmonimonims and East Summit.

Your activities for camp were:

Leap of Faith, challenging our ability to trust not only ourselves but the entire process, and to take a leap into the unknown regardless of what was holding us back. Shoutout out to Paige for the epic jump and grabbing the bar!

Tash’s Ladder, scaling up our big tower to then lean over nothing but a ladder at the very top!

Orienteering, navigating throughout the entire park to try and unlock riddles to gain as many points as possible.

Scavenger Hunt, unleashing your competitiveness between the 2 teams to see who could complete varied challenges as a whole unit in the given time.

Rock-Wall, is the ultimate challenge of physical and mental strength, testing your will to keep climbing up through fear.

The Cave, moving through an epic small underground tunnel with no light to give hope and no sounds to comfort, challenging our fear of the unknown, and realizing the difference between perception and reality. Shoutout to Marley for pushing through and trusting the process!

Trust Games, challenging our level of trust within ourselves and our team through engaging in a variety of epic physical trust exercises. Shoutout to Archer for not quite getting the leap right but never shying away from a challenge.

Abseil, feeling like the main character of Mission Impossible, challenges our ability to trust in ourselves. Well done Sarah on making it look easy!

Sky Bridge, traversing across the lake on nothing but a bridge, using every bit of concentration and focus on your technique, only to realize that it is usually our belief that determines if we successfully make it across.

Giant Swing, testing what it will take to let go of our fear and trust the process, letting go of “what if…” Amazing work Ethan for embracing the challenge and reaching your super stretch!

Summit Window, climbing up an 18-meter tower and scaling a ladder, sometimes when you push through your fear you will experience an incredible sense of freedom! Letting go was the key.

Snowy River challenge, the ultimate test of teamwork and support involving a race through 5 obstacles as fast as possible to beat the opposing team's time.

Laser Tag, dodging and weaving through our laser war zone striving to eliminate the opposition. Well done girls on absolutely demolishing the boys on the battlefield!

Tribe Identity, creating your team's flags to represent and remind others of your team's spirit

Highwire, scaling a tree to then balance across a thin wire with your partner and come down together like a boss. Amazing work Oscar and Evie on making it look way too easy!

Day 2 started off with breakfast, a selection of toast or cereal followed by a morning intentions session with Logan before continuing the rest of the day. Our intentions session covered how to change our state from a negative one to a positive one. This was done by influencing our Physiology, Focus, and Language. What a huge day we had planned for day 2. We had 5 activities that all of you absolutely crushed and it was a sight to see. Everyone was clearly already demonstrating our 5 keys.

Day 3 began with Logan talking about how to begin your day by choosing who you wanted to BE. Not waiting until we have… and instead making a decision to choose, regardless of the external, how we wanted to show up for the day. You then continued to smash your activities for the day, 4 activities that pushed you physically and mentally.

Day 4 was already underway, beginning with a talk from Logan focusing on what we are grateful for. Realizing the things that we do have instead of longing for the things we don’t. After an epic game of Gotcha, you all began 3 activities for the morning getting warmed up for a massive afternoon. To conclude what was already an epic day you all participated in the Monster Course! Running through a mud run obstacle course linked with the team to achieve not only the best time but also a closer connection to your fellow peers and teammates. After the first lap we followed it up with a surprise, we told you we were going to do it twice! The ultimate test of resilience, perseverance, and determination. After setting our target, stretch, and super stretch, every one of you students and teachers pushed through the second lap. It was clearly achieved through the support and encouragement you showed to everyone in the group.

Day 5 had arrived, and some of us were sad to be leaving but also glad to be sleeping in our own beds. The last day started off with Mim asking us to reflect on the people in our lives we are grateful for. To ponder “If today was our last day on earth, how would we spend it?”. To finish off camp we started with your last two activities. You then got a chance to vote for someone in your group who stood up and stood out throughout the 5 days, the person in the team who best demonstrated the Five Keys. Well done Lachie and Teagan on being our values winners. Just when you thought camp was over we all got to witness our WW2 army tank crush a car! And it was nonother than your teams' values winner that got to have a first-class seat inside the tank as it got to work.

Thank you East Loddon for playing all in and achieving what was once thought impossible!

Keep Unleashing Your Greatness!


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