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Mirripoa Primary School Camp Blog

The legends from Mirripoa Primary School embarked on their incredible summit adventure on the 7th of December 2022. Straight off the bus excitement was buzzing and after getting settled into their blue tent accommodation camp kicked off with an epic dance party! Harnessing all this enthusiasm, campers learned all about the five keys that were guaranteed to help them get the most out of every opportunity sent their way! These keys were to:

  1. Have Fun

  2. Play All In

  3. Make Lots of Mistakes

  4. Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

  5. Don’t Go Home Wondering What If

Then it was time to get started with team initiative challenges, which had teams learning and identifying some team values that were going to come in very handy over the next couple of days. The challenges that the teams worked together to complete were the: Key Punch, Helium Hoola, and Half Pipe! After teams uncovered what they were made of, they next created some epic names to match.

Teams came up with:


Super team

The Undefeated

Before getting started on their first major set of activities, the legends from Mirripoa learned about a value goal-setting strategy that would help teams stretch out of their comfort zone. This strategy involved setting three goals, a target (something you know you can do), a stretch (something you think you can do), and a super stretch (something that you’d love to do but seems impossible). Throughout the whole two-and-a-half days of camp, teams and teachers put this strategy to the test and learn it can be applied to almost anything!

The first set of activities included the Bush Challenge, Rock Wall, and Inflatable City. For the Bush Challenge, teams had to work together to compete in a series of physical and mental challenges to complete the course in the fastest amount of time. The Rock Wall was all about belaying teammates, setting goals, and climbing as far as we could! There were loads of fun to be had in the Inflatable City, playing a couple of rounds of Human Foosball and then bouncing off the walls in the adrenaline rush! Teams even competed head-to-head to see who could complete it the fastest, congratulations to Lachie, Lilly, and James on your incredibly fast times! Lachie completed it in 21.16 seconds, Lilly completed it in 18.05 seconds and James smashed it in 16.53 seconds!! Wow! Day one finished with putting artistic skills to the test and creating some awesome team flags!

A camp tradition was also shared with the group, and this is all about writing down on a piece of paper epic moments witnessed all throughout camp, then placing it in a box to be read out and acknowledged at mealtimes! Some awesome GMICs that were written were “To my group for cheering me on through the initiative” from Poppy! “Owen on the giant swing, even though it was scary he was brave enough to ride it!” From William! “Everyone in my team was really kind and supportive during the Bush Challenge” - from anonymous (how mysterious!)

Day two started with talking about daily intentions! Whilst learning intentions may be a familiar idea, we discussed and set some daily intentions that would help inspire us throughout the day. Each person did this by writing down which key they wanted to fully embrace throughout the day.

To get warmed up, everyone played a game of Crane, Tiger, and Egg and this got us in the zone and ready to go for all our activities!

Teams were growing their comfort zones like no tomorrow, stretching their comfort zones, and creating some fantastic reference points for all the amazing things they could achieve. After an awesome morning, groups started a new set of activity rotations. These included the Giant Swing - being swung 26 meters in the air, the Scavenger Hunt - a test of creativity and teamwork, and Snakes and Nails - taking a fearless stroll across a real bed of nails and holding our resident 2.2m carpet python Mitch.

After lunch and more dance parties, it was time to compete in what ended up being a highlight for many, the epic Monster Course! This was the ultimate test of teamwork, communication, and strength. resilience and determination were shown when after an incredible first lap was completed the secret was revealed that the winner of the challenge wasn’t the team that did it the fastest the first time but the team that improved the most!

Congratulations to all three teams for their impressive improvements.

Group 1 improved by 9.51

Group 2 improved by 11:24

Group 3 improved by 9:17

After a big night, campers arose bright and early for the last big morning of camp. The day started off with learning about the power of gratitude as we listed off all the things, we were excited about going home - as well as the things we were grateful for during camp.

The warm-up game for the day was a familiar game of Rock, Paper, Scissors Chant, or “Cheerleader” as camp coaches learned it’s known at school. Once we were all feeling sufficiently cheered for, we began the last activity rotation! Lots of fun was had when Yves and teacher Ross finally got to battle it out head-to-head in Gaga Ball, as the undefeated Yves met his match! Sounds like it was quite the event!

Over the last three days, there were so many dance parties! If Mirripoa had a camp dance playlist it would include the songs: Never Gonna Give You Up, Right Foot Creep Aka the Griddy song, Let it Go, Sunroof, and Gangsta's Paradise.

Camp concluded by sharing some highlights and reflections from the last few days. Lots of people said they looooved Snakes and Nails, the Giant Swing, Inflatable City, and spending time with their teammates! Every team also got the opportunity to vote for a values winner, someone they thought had really embodied the Five Keys - congratulations to Belle, Nina, and Owen!

Of course, before the team left they had to find out some very important results!

The much anticipated Scavenger Hunt results were:

Group 1: 530

Group 2: 400

Group 3: 410

The Bush Challenge times were:

Group 1: 33:25

Group 2: 35:41

Group 3: 26:20

On behalf of all of the team here at the Summit, we’d love to say a massive thank you to the students and staff from Mirripoa Primary School for a legendary couple of days. The support and encouragement you all had for each other were outstanding and so wonderful to see!


Ella, Yves, Soph, Sunny


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