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Mt Eliza SC Blog

It has been so nice to have the students and teachers from Mt Eliza SC at The Summit for their year 7 camp.

After a quick introduction and initiative, it was time to come up with a tribe name and identity. Chicken Salt Chips, Hungry Hippos, Cheese, Jumping Jacks, Rugrats, Jones BBQ and Foot Massage, Cheese Monkeys, Gummy Bears, Pepper Pigs, Mad Dogs, The Tellitubbies, Small Potatoes, and Quacka-ducks were the names for the tribes.

Each tribe had an opportunity of high activities, low activities, and tribe challenges. Here are some of the results of the tribe challenge.

Snowy River:

Cheese Monkeys 51.52

Hungry Hippos 39.44

Rugrats 27.01

Chicken Salt Chips 22.29

Cheese 16.33

Jumping Jacks 13.54 - winner

Bush Challenge:

Gummy Bears 49.37

Small potatoes 47.00

Pepper Pig 42.54

Quacka-duck 32.11

Mad Dogs 27.49

The Tellitubbies 20.56 winning time

Scavenger hunt:

Cheese Monkeys 340

Jumping Jacks 400

Jones BBQ and Foot Massage/Small Potatoes 430

Quacka–duck 520

Hungry Hippos 570

Pepper pigs 580

Gummy Bears 600

Cheese 610

Rugrarts 620

Chicken Salt Chips 670

Mad Dogs 740

The Tellitubbies 750 points - winner once again

Monster: (Improvement times)

Jones BBQ and Foot Massages 4.20

Rugrats 4.50

Hungry Hippos 5.00

Chicken Salt Chips 5.10

Cheese 6.06

Small Potatoes 6.11

Mad Dogs 6.47

Gummy Bears 7.00

The Teletubbies 7.02

Jumping Jacks 7.32

Quacka-ducks 8.06

Cheese Monkeys 8.20

Pepper Pigs with an improvement of 9.14 - winner winner!

At the end of camp, each tribe voted for a member who lived by the 5 Keys. These people were recognized and rewarded with a ride in The Summit's Army Tank. Congratulations to James, Amber, Ricie, Ryan, Caleb, Jed, Bridie, Harry, Fin, Oscar, Sienna, Jackalee, and Ivy.

Thank you again to everyone who came to The Summit from Mt Eliza SC for a great camp. We look forward to seeing you again soon.


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