Mt Eliza SC Year 7 Camp Blog
After an amazing two months of Christmas and New Years holidays filled with far too much chocolate and late nights with family and friends, it was so good to see the Mt Eliza buses roll in the gates of The Summit to kick off what turned out to be an amazing few days of camp. Once all was in readiness and the staff and I had introduced ourselves and our Five Keys to a great camp of Have Fun, Play All In, Make lots of Mistakes, Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable, and Don’t Go Home Wondering What If, we headed down into the park.
First up we played a couple of games and then got into the activities, those being our Leap of Faith, Inflatable City, Rock Wall, Laser Skirmish, Flying Fox, Giant Swing, Cave, High Wire, Bush Challenge, Scavenger Hunt, Summit Window and Snowy River Challenge.
The students were asked to come up with a group name they wanted to be known as for the remainder of camp, and they didn't disappoint!
Group 1 The Reeces
Group 2 Jurrassissi Parark
Group 3 The Ribbiting Frogs
Group 4 14 Frogs
Group 5 The Orangutans
Group 6 Insert Name Here
Group 7 McFlippin Flamin Flops
Group 8 Bubblers
Group 9 Giannis Antetokounmpo
Group 10 Nail Biters
Group 11 Go Getters
Group 12 Dirty Achievers
The energy was high and it was fantastic to see some real breakthroughs of courage, creativity, and teamwork right through camp. Everyone embraced the chaos of our Inflatable City, Scavenger Hunt, and our Bush Challenge, the speed of The Giant Swing and Flying Fox, the fear-inducing darkness of the Cave and the Snowy River Wombat Hole, and the dizzying heights of the Leap of Faith, the High Wire and the Rock Wall. Laser Skirmish was a hit, as was the chance to see forever on the Summit Window.
On Tuesday morning we paused for a chance to set ourselves some intentions with Liam before our next rounds of activities. We then ran our epic Monster Course, our mud run runs through a number of physical activities that got everyone, including the coaches and teachers, wet, muddy, and exhausted. The water proved very refreshing in the heat, even though it was difficult to battle through towards the end of our second lap. It was so inspiring to see everyone push through to the very end.
On Wednesday after we completed our final rounds of activities we asked each group to vote on their tribe's values winner, or the person they felt committed most to our Five Keys. We then wrapped up the day with some thank you’s and read out the times and revealed the values winners from each group before we were able to reward them with an epic ride in our WW2 army tank. We then sadly said our goodbyes as the kids boarded the buses.
Thank you all again from me, Liam, Timmy, Sunny, Sophie, Cam, Yves, Mim, Steph, Shanara, Lina, Emily, Marcus, and Logan, and we can't wait to see the Mt Eliza students back again soon.
The Summit