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Templeton PS Year 6 Camp Blog

It has been an absolute pleasure to have the grade 6s from Templeton P.S. along with their teachers for their three-day camp. After all the formal introductions and safety rules were explained, we all headed out to the park for the beginning of camp activities. We got one rotation in before the weather turned crazy and stopped us from safely running activities. Never fear we went up to the Lodge and played some inside “Cluster Games” before the day was through.

Thursday, we began where we left off and made sure we got into the extra activity that we missed from the day before. Each tribe also made sure they had a tribe name. Their names were: Pigs Can Fly, Frogs Facing Fears, Those Kids, Infinity Four-ah, Summit Champions, La Cheesy Potatoes and Non Dreadies. The day was finished with a crazy enjoyable time getting wet, muddy, and dirty on purpose during our Monster Course.

Here are the full results from each of the group challenges.

Photo Scavenger Hunt:

Non Dreadies 460

La Cheesy Potatoes 500

Pigs Can Fly 510

Infinity Four-ah 520

Frogs Facing Fears 550

Summit Champions 600

Those Kids 690 points - WINNER!!!

Snowy River Challenge:

Frogs Facing Fears 56.25

Pigs Can Fly 45.39

Infinity Four-ah 41.58,

Non Dreadies 41.46

La Cheesy Potatoes 29.17

Summit Champions 22.39

Those Kids 20.12 - WINNER!!!

Monster Course Improvement Time:

Infinity Four-ah 8.21

Those Kids 10.03

Summit Champions 10.41

Pigs Can Fly 13.48

Non Dreadies 16.03

Frogs Facing Fears 19.06

La Cheesy Potatoes 19.54 - WINNER!!!

On the last morning Tim, Logan, and Franziska read out as many GMIC as they could in the time that was allowed and still could not get through them all. You all were magnificent in setting yourselves a Target, Stretch and Super Stretch, hence there were so many GMIC being acknowledged. At the end of camp each tribe voted for a deserved winner, who lived by the Five Keys: Have Fun, Play All In, Make Lots of Mistakes, Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable, Don't Go Home Wondering ‘What if.’ These individuals were acknowledged in front of everyone as well as receiving a Summit Survivor medal. Congratulations to Rambir, Eric, Bailey, Dihaan, Tia, Annie, Meer, and Serena.

Thank you again to everyone who came to camp from Templeton P.S. We wish all the best for the rest of the year and into high school next year.

From Timmay, Franziska, Mim, Spinks, Sunny, Logan, and Calarnee.


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