best activities in Victoria

The Summit has the most exciting, inspiring and unique activities and programs in Victoria.

We are industry experts in creating experiences with the perfect mix of fun and inspiration.

Our team will create a personalised program to meet your exact outcomes. Your experience can be light and fun, or designed for specific outcomes – resilience, leadership, confidence, team-focused and personal growth.

We guarantee your group will feel alive and inspired!

Get active, get outdoors!

Plan your adventure today.

Outdoor activities

Adventure Plus and evening activities

*additional charges may apply

Some of the other awesome evening activities include:

Teacher Run Evening Activities:
Night Walks | Movie Night | Minute to Win it | Trivia Night

*Staff Run Evening Activities:
Night Monster Course | Minute to Win it

Workshops information

Morning Intentions

An awesome 15 minute session that encourages campers to decide who they want to be,  before their day kicks off. We may not always be able to control what happens to us, we can control how we respond to it. The power is in the choice.

GMIC- Great Moments in Camp

An opportunity to acknowledge other campers (friends, coaches, teachers) for something positive they have done. GMIC is a simple concept designed to boost self-esteem, connection and confidence.

Target, Stretch, Super Stretch

A unique goal setting technique that breaks goals down into different realms. Including: achievable goals to increase motivation and build momentum alongside seemingly impossible goals that inspire campers to stretch and unleash their greatness.


Coupled with Morning Intentions these two concepts perfectly complement each other. Space is created for participants to reflect on 3 things they are grateful for each morning.

Beliefs and Mindset - Board Break

Explore how an idea becomes a belief and how these beliefs drive our behavior. If we want to change what is happening in our lives then we need to be aware of how thoughts become beliefs.

Personal Power - Arrow Break

An interactive workshop that explores how we manage ourselves, our emotions and our “state” and how this affects our experience of life. 

Stepping Out

An interactive presentation that reconnects camp experiences and learning’s with life back at school, home, on the sporting field or in creative performance. We also explore how to maintain motivation and momentum after leaving camp.

Free time activities

Bush Walking | Basketball & Volleyball | Playground | Ga-Ga-Pit | Table Tennis | Tetherball