We are industry experts in creating experiences with the perfect mix of fun and inspiration.
Our team will create a personalised program to meet your exact outcomes. Your experience can be light and fun, or designed for specific outcomes – resilience, leadership, confidence, team-focused and personal growth.
We guarantee your group will feel alive and inspired!
Participants work in pairs and each climb up a gum tree by way of a ladder, then steel pegs before making it to the cable. At this point the pair will move out towards each other and meet at the centre of the cable, give a “high-5” before they attempt to firstly sit down and then lay down along the wire, all whilst being supported below on the ropes by the rest of their teammates.
Key Learning: Trust in your teammates, mental focus and how to chip away at a task.
An Indoor/outdoor session where participants get the opportunity to interact with one of our pet pythons (great photo op here) and also learn about their lifestyle as well as that of local venomous snakes.
Key Learning: Relaxing your fear instead of suppressing it and also realising when our fear is irrational and exaggerated. Knowledge is power.
Participants move through a pitch black, man-made cave, in a solo expedition towards the underground bunk room. Here they wait and listen out for the rest of their group to join them whilst remaining silent; as if the person moving through is completely alone.
Key Learning: Mental response to an often debilitating fear and controlling the use of internal dialogue. Often the fear is not of the dark itself, but the dangers that may be ahead. Once the lights are turned on, all is revealed.
A fantastic team building activity that requires participants to work together, strategize and find solutions in order to claim victory. Practice field as well as a fantastic Bush Laser Valley complete with main bases but countless natural & man-made hide-outs.
*Note: (Camouflage gear is provided to Half-Day Laser Packages only.)
Key Learning- Success often requires the support of a coercive team. Fun is guaranteed!
A timed team orientated challenge which includes a mud wall, foam pit, low wires, climbing obstacles and a memory game, finished off with a giant jigsaw puzzle with pieces collected along the way.
Key Learning: Many learning opportunities but teamwork & cooperation are core.
Participants are suspended by a harness approximately 5 metres up and launch themselves from the platform located on the deck of Cabin 3 and fly across to the other side of the lake. There is also the opportunity for young children to go across in pairs or with a parent.
Participants climb up an external tower at the Big Tower and stand on the edge of the platform and attempt to jump off and reach a trapeze bar suspended in front of them. Once they grab it they can hang upside down by their knees before straightening their legs and being lowered to the ground.
Key Learning: The difference between reality and what the mind can create. The challenge is often not as big as what your mind is telling you.
Also located at the top of the Big Tower, participants are able to abseil down the wall in full control of the ropes with the backup safety line being controlled by the Facilitator.
Key Learning: Controlling an experience. Trusting yourself to take control even when the task is not within your comfort zone.
Participants firstly ascend the 18-metre Tower via a series of internal ladders and climb an additional 3-metre pole before reaching a small platform at the very top. Whilst still holding the pole, participants then lean backwards as far as they can before the real challenge begins when they bring their hands out to the sides into “full-flight”.
Key Learning: Sometimes when you push through your fear you will experience an incredible sense of freedom! Letting go is the key.
Clients walk out across the wobbly bridge which spans the width of the lake and make their way across using strength and balance to support them. This can be one of the more physically demanding activities on offer but also hugely rewarding.
Key Learning: Once you get it right, it’s just a matter of repetition. Remember that your actions can affect others’ experience.
Participants get involved in pairs and are pulled up to their choice of starting point (3 heights) by their fellow group members before releasing themselves and swinging out over the water below.
Key Learning: Understanding the fear and the rewards associated with letting it go. Without the help of those around you, you cannot go anywhere.
Participants climb up a series of ladders to the top of the Rockwall tower before starting their accent up a wobbly ladder where the challenge is to get as high as possible, lean forward and then let go with arms raised wide.
Key Learning: A genuine commitment is required to conquer the instinct to stop climbing.
With 3 levels including a tyre climb (6 metres), flat wall and overhang there is an opportunity for participants to get involved at any level they feel able, from just getting their feet off the ground to racing teammates at timed challenges.
Key Learning: Determination, taking one more step when all seems impossible or impassable.
This session involves the unique challenge of walking across a Bed of Nails.
Key Learning: Relaxing your fear instead of suppressing it and also realising when our fear is irrational and exaggerated. Knowledge is power.
Another team orientated challenge which includes a balance beam over the mud pit, climbing wall, cable-bridge, swing and capped off with the ever imposing Wombat Hole.
Key Learning: Again teamwork & cooperation plus dealing with confronting situations.
Race your friends through our mirror-image Adrenaline Rush obstacle course in teams and one-on-one challenges before embarking on an epic game of Human Foosball, all within our purpose-built stadium.
Key Learning: Fun, fun and a bit more fun!
The Army Tank experience is often used a “reward” for our school programs where outstanding participants (voted by their peers) get the unique opportunity to jump in and get driven through a man-made rough terrain course!
Race your friends through our mirror-image Adrenaline Rush obstacle course in teams and one-on-one challenges before embarking on an epic game of Human Foosball, all within our purpose-built stadium.
Key Learning: Fun, fun and a bit more fun!
If you want to take your experience to the next level we can arrange (extra cost) for a car to be ready for you to crush with your group cheering from the side lines! This can be a used as a reward for group members who have really stepped up!
These introductory problem-solving challenges and scenarios are designed to discover the dynamics of small groups and create opportunities for growth and development.
There is nothing better than cooling off our super fun waterslide. Once you start you wont want to stop!
All groups participate in this ever-evolving obstacle course simultaneously, which is pre-empted with some fun, competitive challenges to set the mood and also identify the group that is going to get an edge above the rest. Groups set off around the course (which can be altered in intensity to suit each booking group) and are faced with a range of physical challenges, mental puzzles and tests of skill and endurance whilst also trying to produce the best time. Whether they lead their team or get dragged around by them, participants will end up wet & muddy and with a great sense of achievement having completed something they thought they couldn’t or shouldn’t do! Love it or hate it, the Monster Course is an experience they won’t soon forget.
Think Monster Course but on a much grander scale!! This course is highly customisable to suit any groups needs. If you want a higher physical fitness component, or just more fun in the mud then this experience, is sure to hit the spot. This is a must-do if you want to bring your team together through a physically challenging endurance challenge.
Based on our EPIC annual event “The Summit Survivor”, this 5km course with upto 34 obstacles, is the most obstacle dense private obstacle course available. This adrenaline-pumping course will test both your physical stamina and mental endurance as you race around our undulating bush course. If you’re wanting something truly unique then this is the activity for you.
The only one of its kind! If you game, you can attempt our drop slide and lauch yourself 5 metres into our lake! So much fun!
*additional charges may apply
Top off your evening with an awesome camp fire, marshmallows and music!
*additional charges may apply
A chocolate mouse fight is the ultimate end to a day of adventure. We set up hundreds of plastic plates piled with chocolate moose… your group will go crazy when the siren goes!
*additional charges may apply
While EPIC activities are crucial…when they’re combined with engaging workshops and inspiring facilitation, you’ll take your experience to the next level.
*additional charges may apply
An interactive workshop that explores how an “idea” becomes a belief and how these beliefs drive our behavior. If we want to change what is happening in our lives then we need to be aware of how thoughts become beliefs. This work shop leaves participants with strategies that enable them to deconstruct limiting beliefs and adopt empowering ones. In this day and age our biggest limitations are not external, rather they are the ones we place on ourselves.
*additional charges may apply
An interactive workshop that explores how we manage ourselves, our emotions and our “state” and how this affect our experience of life. We look at three simple areas of personal power:
Focus -what we do with our mind.
Language – what we do with our words.
Physiology – what we do with our body.
When we manage these three areas, we optimise our mental state along with our sense of competence and confidence.
*additional charges may apply
Everyone loves a dance party! We have the lights, music and even a smoke machine to make this a night to remember!
*additional charges may apply
Some of the other awesome evening activities include:
Teacher Run Evening Activities:
Night Walks | Movie Night | Minute to Win it | Trivia Night
*Staff Run Evening Activities:
Night Monster Course | Minute to Win it
An awesome 15 minute session that encourages campers to decide who they want to be, before their day kicks off. We may not always be able to control what happens to us, we can control how we respond to it. The power is in the choice.
An opportunity to acknowledge other campers (friends, coaches, teachers) for something positive they have done. GMIC is a simple concept designed to boost self-esteem, connection and confidence.
A unique goal setting technique that breaks goals down into different realms. Including: achievable goals to increase motivation and build momentum alongside seemingly impossible goals that inspire campers to stretch and unleash their greatness.
Coupled with Morning Intentions these two concepts perfectly complement each other. Space is created for participants to reflect on 3 things they are grateful for each morning.
Explore how an idea becomes a belief and how these beliefs drive our behavior. If we want to change what is happening in our lives then we need to be aware of how thoughts become beliefs.
An interactive workshop that explores how we manage ourselves, our emotions and our “state” and how this affects our experience of life.
An interactive presentation that reconnects camp experiences and learning’s with life back at school, home, on the sporting field or in creative performance. We also explore how to maintain motivation and momentum after leaving camp.
Bush Walking | Basketball & Volleyball | Playground | Ga-Ga-Pit | Table Tennis | Tetherball
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