What a pleasure it has been to have the year nine girls from Canterbury Girls Secondary College at The Summit for their camp experience over the last 3 days. The energy and excitement from the very beginning set the tone for how the camp would play out. Willing to get involved in all activities and learn about our Five Keys: Have Fun, Play All In, Make Lots of Mistakes, Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable and Not Going Home Wondering ‘What If.
Each group came up with a tribe name after their first rotation of activities and designed bands that had their name, tribe name, and logo/mascot. The Batsy, Krispy Panthers, The Hobbits, Fruit Flies and Oh My Tim were the names of each of the tribes.
Throughout camp, there were so many great moments both out in the park and also shared within your accommodations and sharing the space with others. There were so many G.M.I.Cs (Great Moment in Camp) given out and read out so much that we did not have time to read them all. We hope you look forward to reading them when they are given out at school.
Here are the full results from your tribe’s challenges over the camp experience.
Bush Challenge:
Fruit Flies – 31.17
Krispy Panthers – 29.43
The Hobbits – 27.39
The Batsy’s – 27.28
Oh My Tims 23.19 >> WINNER!!!
Tribe Chants:
Fruit Flies – 17 points
Krispy Panthers – 20 points
Oh My Tims – 24.5 points
The Batsys – 25.5 points
The Hobbits – 26.5 points with their additional props got them over the line >> WINNER!!!
Monster Course Improvement Times:
Krispy Panthers – 7.02
Oh My Tims – 13.16
Fruit Flies – 13.46
The Hobbits – 14.23
The Batsy’s – 18.22 >> WINNER!!!
At the end of camp, each tribe voted individually for a person in their tribe who lived by The Summit 5 Keys. These individuals were acknowledged in front of everyone. Congratulations to Audrie, Sitara, Ruby, Fatima and Molly.